Quiz Game: About

What does it offer?

  • Various questions about technology

Each question will have 4 alternatives.
Only one is correct.
Also you can add other questions from the most different.

Game play
During the Game you will be asked random questions from the questions we offer
also the questions that you will record.

As soon as the game starts, you will have three possibilities.
If you lose all these chances you will lose the game and the game will continue from the beginning, or you can watch an advertisement and you will win another opportunity.

All questions will be in Albanian.

The game will also include:
  • score
  • High score
Score and HighScore
For each correct question you will get one point

HighScore are the maximum score you have achieved.
You can find the HighScore in detail.

Adding Questions
You will be free to add questions from different ones where each question should have:

  • Four answers
  • one of those answers must be correct


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